Friday, November 29, 2019
Weekend Of Mine Essays - Acapulco, Walking,
Weekend Of Mine While on vacation in Acapulco Mexico, I, along with my family and friends took a tour by boat to a small resort island. As we approached, I was awestruck by its beauty. I knew this was going to be fun, but had no idea that this place would be forever etched in my mind. We were greeted at the dock by two natives dressed in brightly colored tropical shirts, white pants and shoes. They were also wearing smiles just as bright. They escorted us to an open-air type restaurant with a thatched roof that was actually attached to the pier at which we docked. The restaurant had a casual atmosphere that made us very comfortable. The food was served buffet style, with an elegant array of Mexican and American cuisine. The entertainment provided in the restaurant during and after the buffet was delightful. A ten minute introduction to the Mexican culture was followed by an intriguing native dance, performed by a man dressed in an authentic looking costume consisting of only a rawhide G-string with a short apron front. His sandals had leather cords winding halfway up his legs. This dance depicted a story of a hunter and his prey. It was narrated by a woman who was also in costume. Brightly dressed Mexican men were beating drums and banging sticks providing the sound effects for the story. This was truly a great beginning to a wonderful afternoon. Behind the restaurant was a low mountainous area, accessible by walking trails only. We hiked one of these trails, observing the brightly colored tropical plants and trees that flourished greatly on this well maintained terrain. A beautiful waterfall added to the splendor, and when we reached the top, a lookout provided a panoramic view of the entire bay. What a breathtaking sight! There was a bar here, and after a cool drink we decided to head down. We took a different trail down that brought us to the base of the mountain. In front of us, about 150 feet was the beach. It was 90 degrees and the Mexican sun made the sand hot under our feet. However, a gentle breeze kept us comfortable otherwise. On the beach we rented a cabana, which is little more than a thatched umbrella, table and beach chairs. There, we sat and enjoyed one of those big tropical drinks that has fruit on the edge of the glass and a small umbrella of its own. Staring out into the bay from my chair, was possibly the most serene feeling I have had in my life. There were many people around and they were making plenty of noise, but my mind was absorbed with the natural beauty of this place. It was like none that I had ever seen before. Looking across the bay toward the mainland, with all its hustle and bustle, I felt as if I had found paradise. I had been to the ocean twice before, but only in the U.S., and never to a bay. Bay waters are much calmer, and therefore much clearer-so clear, in fact, that at a depth of six feet I was able to see a penny. The color of the water is also amazingly different from ocean water. The intensity of the blue color is almost fluorescent. After we rested, we decided it was time to get wet, so we donned our snorkeling gear and entered the warm water. I had never snorkeled before, but it wasn't long before I felt comfortable. Most of our experience was in very shallow water and I don't think it was ever necessary to go down more than ten feet. The fish didn't seem to be bothered by our presence, and although I don't know what kind they were, I touched two of them, and their reaction was only to flip their tail. About forty feet out from the beach it was still only about seven or eight feet deep, and that's where the coral appeared. This is something that no television or video could do justice to. The vivid colors of the coral alone were enough to make this whole trip worthwhile. There were many different types of fish, most of them with vibrant colors, varying in size from the size of a silver dollar, to the size of a foot or more in length. If you've seen the salt water fish aquariums in a pet store, you know of the vibrant colors that I am talking about. But being in the
Monday, November 25, 2019
Toy Story vs Nemo essays
Toy Story vs Nemo essays Are they alike or are they different? I have seen both Finding Nemo and Toy Story. These two movies are different in many ways. First of all, both the movies had different settings. Second of all, they had a different kind of animated character. Lastly, the meanings of the movies were different. Although these movies are completely different, they are both made by Pixar, and both relay a similar message. Finding Nemo had beautiful animation. This movie took place in the ocean and in a Dentist office. Nemo the young fish had become tired of his Dad being so protective, so he went to the surface and touched the boat. Nemo was captured and put in a cage with other fish in a fish tank. Nemo, very scared, missed his Dad. His Father went searching all over for him and met Dorie. Toy Story that was also beautifully animated took place in Andys house, Cids house, and the Pizza place. Woody was one of Andys favorite toys and then Andys birthday happened. He got a new Buzz Light-year action figure and Woody became very jealous. One day Woody meant to knock Buzz of the desk and accidentally knocked him off the window. Woody went after him and they met up and fought but became friends some how. The characters were animated differently. Toy Story had animated toys and Finding Nemo was animated fish. Toy Storys characters were very detailed, one would think more than Finding Nemos because there was more to detail. The characters on Finding Nemo have very distinct personalities. They each had a different voice and different traits; Toy Story, the toys personalities were much alike and their voices seemed the same. The meanings of the movies: completely different.. The theme for Finding Nemo is: love can conquer anything. This movie tries to teach one that parents love you and even though they can be mean at times its because they love you and there just trying to protect you. Toy Story was friendsh...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Leaman brother Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leaman brother - Research Paper Example ublish its financial statement so when the financial statements were released to the public, the financial statements may depict that the bank had money and was paying its debtors (Hallman 1). Once a period of seven or less days had passed and the account statements were published, the bank repurchased sold assets. Anton Valukas was assigned the duty of look into the matter of Lehman Brother and unearth the reasons for its fall down. Valukas states that the Repo 105 transaction was first reported by Mathew Lee who was an employee of Lehman. Lee started by reporting the transactions to the management of Lehman and later reported the findings to the organizationââ¬â¢s auditing firm, Ernst & Young and no actions were taken (Hallman 1). Once the firm could no longer indulge in Repo 105, it had to start depicting that it was highly leveraged and did not have money to pay off its debt and ultimately the bank filed for bankruptcy. Due to this several stakeholders had to experience material as well as emotional losses. The main stakeholders who were negatively impacted included the companies that had lent money to the bank, the shareholders of the bank and its employees. When the company went bankrupt there were more than 25000 employees working for them and a major percentage of them had to experience unemployment and social and psychological associated with it (Corelli 326). Furthermore, the shareholders had to lose their money since the company was not performing well and it has been recorded that due to the fall down of the company around $10 trillion funds were injected out of the equity markets (Corelli 326). It is believed but not yet proven that the CPA firm called Ernst & Young (E&Y) was involved in the financial fraud conducted by Lehman Brother. They are said to have been involved in the cover-up of this fraud. Due to these allegations against the CPA firm several civil lawsuits were filed against the firm after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. These lawsuits
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Poetry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Poetry - Assignment Example The romantic poets were at the heart of the movement, where they got inspired by desire for liberty, and denounced exploitation of the poor. They highly placed emphasis on the importance of every individual and emphasized that ideals should be followed instead of the rules and conventions that were imposed. The romantics poets were known for renouncing rationalism associated with the enlightment era and stressing on the importance of individuals expressing authentic feelings. They used poetry to inform and inspire for the change of the society (Tomain, 1053). Modernist poets are poets of the twentieth and twenty first century. The modernist poets are known for strong emphasis on use of imagery and emotional content. The poetry also uses a lot of rhyming and includes modern movements like beat poetry. They experiment a lot with new mode of expression and have many ways of expressing ideas. Modernist poets also use new and a wide range of themes and subjects compared to the traditional poetry that had limited subjects (Tomain
Monday, November 18, 2019
Tax Evation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Tax Evation - Essay Example The Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court cannot meet and do their businesses. As it is, taxes are the lifeblood of every government. However, people continuously exert their best efforts to evade taxes. They pursue different avenues in order to minimize, if not entirely avoid payment of taxes. Different styles or strategies have been used in order to attain this end. One, underreporting of incomes - usually, this strategy is being used by businesses, whether sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. This of course cannot be attained without the assistance of the accountants. The latter manipulate the income to be reported by the business so that liability for taxes would be lesser. In some countries, double numbering of official receipts are made so that only half of the transactions are officially entered into the entry book of the company. Only those transactions which involve important personalities or companies are being recorded officially so that in case of emergency examination of books, the said transactions can be easily traced. Those involving small transactions with not so familiar customers remain unrecorded, or will be recorded only in the unofficial record. Two, overstating deductions and exemptions - again, these cannot be done without the faithful assistance of the so-called accountants who creatively emphasize items of deduction and exempted transactions from the profit or income. Others are so enterprising that they take time to establish allegedly non-government organizations which are of course tax-exempt. Thru the latter, they conduct businesses without the threat of tax liabilities. The otherwise regular businesses are done with a claim that they are being made for some philanthropic objectives. Three, failure to file the necessary returns - this results to absolutely tax-free transactions. Underground economy plays a big role in this strategy. With absolutely no permits and licenses, those engaged in this enjoy the tax -free business as long as they are not caught by the authorities. Despite the fact that their income/capital involves only a small amount of money as compared to the legitimate businesses, if summed up, theirs will constitute a big portion of the revenues that the government could otherwise have received. Tax evasion plays a very important role in the economy. First, it definitely reduces the tax collections of the government, resulting to gross reduction of the public services that the government could have rendered to its constituents as the government should make do with its available resources. Second, it modifies the distribution of wealth in the society. Businessmen indulged in the same line of business would be on unequal footing since the tax-compliant ones have to shoulder additional expense for the payment of taxes while the tax evaders continue to enjoy their profits without entailing the same or similar expense. Third, it impinges on the accuracy of macroeconomic statistics. The tendency to commit tax evasion is caused by many factors, among them are: 1) high tax rates - the higher the taxes to be paid, the more likely the taxpayers would evade its payment as the same would greatly affect their finances; 2) minimal penalties - tax evaders are not afraid of the penalties in case they get caught since most of the time, penalties are limited to civil ones and tax
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Personal Reflection on Intermediate Anaesthetic Practice
Personal Reflection on Intermediate Anaesthetic Practice I am a student anaesthetic practitioner with a clinical placement in an acute hospital. I will be reflecting on my personal experience with a 20 year old patient who underwent a Myringotomy and Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion procedure wherein a local anaesthetic was used and had failed, and prompting the case to be done under general anaesthesia. The operation was deemed necessary by the consultant as the patient was diagnosed with recurrent Otitis Media with Effusion (OME), see Appendix A [on page 23], because it will eventually help to correct his hearing loss and prevent further deterioration as stated by Woolfson and McCafferty 1993. Following the NMC Code of Conduct (2008) on Confidentiality of patients information, I will refer to patient as Mr. B. I will be using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle which is shown in Appendix B as the framework of my reflection Jasper (2003). It will highlight how researching further led to a better understanding of surgery and anaesthetics and to know how to respond if the same situation happens again. Mr. B. had been admitted in the ward at noontime of the surgery. He was seen by the anaesthetist to carry out a preoperative assessment. According to the anaesthetist, he is generally fit for surgery and does not pose as an anaesthetic risk. The anaesthetist discussed with him about her plan to give him a general anaesthesia, but he asked the anaesthetist if the operation can be done without having a general anaesthetic because he prefers to remain awake. The consultant surgeon also came in and explained the surgery. He was allowed to undertake a local anaesthetic provided that he cooperate well and if the local anaesthetic is unsuccessful, an alternative anaesthetics will be used, that is a general anaesthesia. The surgeon and anaesthetist explained what he will experience with local anaesthetics like a burning sensation in his ears, including possibly a degree of pain. Any anaesthetic may arise complications and that other types of anaesthetic is not sufficient for the surgery and therefore needs to be changed to a general anaesthetic at any time (Box Hill Hosp. Dept. of Anaesthesia, 2001). A written consent was obtained by the surgeon from Mr. B. The Department of Health Guidelines (2007) on Consent states that Informed Consent ensures the patient has full knowledge of the procedure because it is fully explained to the patient by the surgeon. The patient is also given the time to ask any questions he may have and voice any concerns and honest answers must be provided. I was assigned in the ENT theatre for the afternoon session which has three booked cases. The operating department practitioner (ODP) and I did the necessary checks in the anaesthetic room and safely prepared the anaesthetic materials and equipment in preparation of the list (AAGBI 2004). I also checked the safe and correct functionality of the anaesthesia machine and refilled drugs in the anaesthetic cupboards. Shields and Werder (2002) said that adequate preparation of the anaesthetic equipment, resources and patient is essential to the provision of safe anaesthetic care. The team members gathered to initiate a preoperative briefing. During the briefing, the surgeon mentioned about the order of the list. Mr. B will be done last as he is a private case anyway. After finishing the first two cases, the ODP and I went to the waiting area of patients to fetch Mr. B. I introduced myself and checked his identity. Then I checked that all preoperative preparations were done and documented. The consent form was confirmed to him that it was his signature and dated. As the patient was having a Myringotomy and Bilateral Ear Grommets Insertion, the site of his procedure was not marked. For most procedure, this is an important check. The National Patient Safety Alert NPSA (2005) recommend that by marking the site for the operation with an arrow using a permanent marker will assist in reducing the incidents of wrong site surgery being performed. I also checked him for any allergies, presence of any metalwork, prosthetic aids in his body, contact lenses, crowns and dentures and asked if he has any other significant surgery or illness. Then I accompanied him to the operating room and made him lay down comfortably. While conversing with him, I placed on the external non-invasive monitors such as the blood pressure, ECG and pulse oximeter. I tried to maintain a quiet and supportive environment. I sat beside him and continued to communicate with him as he looked anxious. Kumar (2 000) said that patients are apprehensive about what will happen and the anaesthetic practitioner needs to monitor patients anxiety level throughout the surgical procedure. Meanwhile, the circulating nurse initiated the Time Out check which is carried out in every operation to enhance a safe surgery (World Health Organisation Guidelines for Safe Surgery, 2008). The surgeon applied the local anaesthetic drug Ametop gel 4% onto Mr. Bs ears. Woolfson and McCafferty (1993) suggest that it should be instilled into the external ear canal using a soft, intravenous cannula and a 5ml syringe and performed under a microscope to ensure immediate contact of the gel with the entire ear drums and that the ear canal was filled and the depth of the gel provides self occlusion. According to the BNF (2010) Ametop is a topical local anaesthetic in gel form which contains Tetracaine base 40 mgs. believed to act by blocking nerve conduction mainly by inhibiting sodium ion flux across the axon membrane. The ester type caine anaesthetics are rapidly metabolised in blood mainly by plasma pseudocholinesterase. A slight erythema local skin reaction will be usually seen at the site of the application and as a result of the pharamacological action of tetracaine dilating the capillary vessels.This helps in delineating the anaesthetised area as explained by the National Library of Guidelines (2007). Adequate anaesthesia can usually be achieved following 30-60 minutes application time and anaesthesia is maintained for 4 to 6 hours in most patients after a single application. We waited only for about 30 minutes to anaesthetise his ears. While waiting, Mr. B became anxious as he was seen perspiring a lot. Everyone reassured him. The surgeon began cleaning and draping the area. Working with an operating microscope, the surgeon started to suction and made a small incision in his eardrum. Mr. B reacted to the pain but I encouraged him to keep still. The surgeon continued to suction the fluid present in the middle ear but Mr. B kept on moving his head because the pain was more intense. A tiny grommet was to be inserted into his surgical aperture but he refused as he cannot bear the intense pain. The surgeon stopped and asked the patient not to move if he wanted the operation to continue or if he cannot tolerate, he will be put to sleep instead. Mr. B and the whole team proceeded further as consented. The anaesthetist cannulated Mr. B. using a gauge 18 large bore venflon secured with a transparent and semi permeable dressing connected to a litre of Hartmanns solution which has been labelled and checked by the anaesthetist and the ODP as per NHS protocol for intravenous infusion, AfPP (2007). Clarke and Jones (1998) describes that a Hartmanns or sodium lactate or lactated ringers is a crystalloid type of intravenous fluid that will cross a semipermeable membrane, thus allowing movement of electrolytes to correct any imbalance. It contains calcium, chloride and lactate similar in composition to extracellular fluid as a balanced salt solution. The anaesthetist started the induction and an I-gel airway (see appendix C) was inserted. The surgery was resumed and carried out without any problems. Mr. B. was fully recovered and transferred back to the ward without complications. I felt disappointed because the result of this experience was clearly contrary to initial expectations. A minor operation like this can be done under local anaesthetics and is a quick procedure. It could have finished if only the patient cooperated well. Although this experience was frustrating for the patient as he requested to be awake during the procedure, still it went well and the treatment for a possible hearing loss and deterioration was done for him. The duties and responsibilities expected from me as an anaesthetic theatre practitioner were performed according to the policies and procedures of my clinical placement. The whole team cooperated well and performed their job accordingly. I have also found out a controversial issue regarding the Ametop gel which has aroused my doubt. Netdoctor (2004) points out that Ametop is a topical anaesthetic for dermal analgesia which must not to be applied to broken skin, mucous membrane or to the eyes or ears. Tetracaine gel could be ototoxic like other local anaesthetics and should not be introduced to the middle ear or use in procedures which might involve penetration into the middle ear. Therefore, Mr. B. might be at risk for ototoxicity. In addition to that, the local anaesthetic did not fail but it is because the surgeon did not wait longer enough until Mr. B was pain free before starting the surgery. A proper consent was secured earlier from him, thus, saved the time in securing a fresh consent. Moreover, it saved NHS resources akin to if the list was cancelled and rescheduled and along with the unsatisfactory hospital experience of Mr. B. The surgery could have been done quickly and safely under a most and effective local anaesthetic rather than topical and waiting for a clinically acceptable anaesthesia before commencing the surgery. I suggest that next time this event occurs again, I would tell the whole team in the preoperative briefing, to give ample time for the anaesthesia to take effect before we can start the surgery. I would also write an incident report so that a proper evaluation could be done and errors will be omitted in the future for the safety of the patient.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
adopt to a new environment :: essays research papers
What do you think the best way to adopt a new environment that has a different culture for a foreigner? â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. Well, I think itââ¬â¢s to develop social relationships with members of the new culture, and in order to have a better communication with them, itââ¬â¢s not enough just speak their language fluent, but we also have to know the personality of the country and the way that people talking. Today I want to share some of my culture shock experiences with you, and I hope those experiences can help you to have a little closer look of the personality of Americans and the way that people talking. The first thing I want to talk happened at the first day I attended to USC as its student, which just several weeks ago. A friend and I went to the cafeteria to have lunch. There was a middle size? guy caught my attention. He carried a big backpack and wore a huge headphone. He was singing as he stopped in the front of a food counter. It seemed that the music he was listening reached the climax. He closed his eyes, turned to another side and opened his arms while his sound became more and more loud until almost yelled! Everybody turned to look at him, and he seemed still enjoyed in that song. During a short quiet moment, a lady who sat in a wheelchair beside the table I sat suddenly moved her body hardly and yelled: I like it! I like it! The guy who shared the same table with us looked at me said: ââ¬Å"Oh man, it is amazing, isnââ¬â¢t it?â⬠I was still in shock and replied him a smile after couple seconds. â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ This experience is unforgettable for me. Thatââ¬â¢ s the first time that I feel the free and open personality that people have in this culture so strongly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Listening to Music Essay
Today stress is a factor that we have to learn living with, manipulating it to benefit us thereby preventing the development of depression and stress related diseases. This can be attributed to globalization which although it has greatly improved our lives and made our activities simpler it has also introduced negative aspects that lead to the development of stress. For instance programs and advertisements aired on our televisions are filled with violence which is viewed as eye catching and therefore tolerable. However, the violence has natured aggressive attitudes in children that are emanated in form of delinquent behavior in their teen lives thus developing stress from the prejudice and seclusion they receive from the community. Their parents too suffer from stress because of worrying about the safety and attitudes of their children. The community is also stressed by the menace of these teenagers. Many of you may be asking how stress can be managed especially with the little time that we have for ourselves, because most of our time is consumed by education and work. Worry no more because I have a solution that is easy to adapt to, access, simple to use and thus demands little effort from us; listening to music. My interest for music begun from childhood, whenever I was moody or angry I would lock myself in my room, turn the volume of my radio full blast and enjoy the tune of the music. Well this did not last for long because as you have all guessed I had to turn off the radio, orders from my parents, but the short period that I listened to the music did wonders because my anger subsided leaving me in a calm state. I can also attribute my success to music since while listening to its beats my concentration increases and thus develop ideas that will be beneficial to my life or solutions to problems that were disturbing me. Therefore, I am able to manage stress and its attributes (Chekitan & Schultz, 2005). Conducted research and studies have shown that music as a product is customer oriented because it portrays many benefits into our lives and acts as solutions to some of the demises that we suffer from. For instance today medical practitioners are using music to treat cancer patients whose treatment methods are painful and thus the patients require a relaxation factor to withstand the pain. Music is also used to treat children suffering from Attention deficient diseases (ADD) because it gives them a sense of belonging and increases their concentration, pain management, promote patients movement in wards as they will be tempted to move by the beat of the music, calm down patients, lower blood pressure, boost immunity and ease muscle tension for both the patients and medical practitioners (Laermer & Simmons, 2007). Music also penetrates into the brain cells stimulating the development of a brain wave whose resonance is in accordance to the tempo of the music. Music that contains fast, sharp and strong beats increases the concentration of the listeners thereby increasing their focus and thinking capacity. On the other hand music that constitutes slow beats results to the development of a calm state which has meditative therapy on the listeners thus relaxing them. Moreover, the ability of the brain to create different types of wave resonance is long lasting thus helping to manage stress. This is because these different brain waves also produce positive impacts onto the other parts of our bodies, for instance relaxation decreases breathing rate and heartbeat rate therefore reducing the chances for development of a chronic disease such as cardiac arrest. In the process havoc stress related responses are curbed because a positive state of the mind is maintained as the listeners develop an optimistic attitude. Furthermore, depending on the tempo of the music the relaxation soothes listeners to sleep a condition that eliminates stress, depression and anxiety effects (Kotler & Keller, 2005). Music also helps to improve the performance of students in class because the prominence of its beats eliminates environmental factors which distract the attention of students causing them to occasionally fidget and increase their desire to stand up and move around. This is because the repetition of the music beat contributes to the relaxation of muscles which reduces the hyperactive nature of the students thus increasing their focus on what they are learning. Music has also proved to be beneficial while exercising. This is because music helps the exerciser to concentrate on what he is doing as all the external factors that may contribute to his distraction are eliminated. Also the relaxation effect that the music creates reduces the strain that the exerciser may feel thus increasing his exercising capacity. Music also arouses psycho motor sensations improving the exercisers motor coordination (Barlon, 2006). Furthermore, there are many types of music that can suit the desires of everybody whether old, young, professional, rich or poor. Music as a product provides a wide range of selection that can be used to achieve certain benefits. The ability of music presenting a choice to its listeners proves that it is market oriented this is because people can change the type of music they are listening to suit a particular occasion. For instance when lifting weights music that contains fast and sharp beats should be used to help the exerciser increase the tension of his muscles and thus comfortably lift his weights. Contrary to this if slow music is used the exercisers tends to get tired quickly because the weights feel heavier due to the relaxation effect of the slow music (Silk & Harvard Business School Press 2006). The price of music is cheap because the benefit it prevails outweighs its monetary value. Listening to music is therefore affordable because little money is contributed to access music and listening devices. However, this is only done once because one remains with the music and the equipment thus will not need to contribute more money if he wants to listen to the music again. Moreover, the attention and energy needed to access music is little and in fact it is perceived as one of the music benefits because it increases the concentration and focus of the music seeker. Furthermore, the time spent when purchasing music is so little because music is sold by many people therefore, it is not a rare commodity. Also music is well classified and thus one cannot waste a lot of time looking for the type of music he/she desires to listen to (Sandhusen, 2008). Music is easily accessible because it can be found everywhere and there are so many devices that have been developed to aid in the simplification of attaining and storing music. Music can now be found in stores, online, itunes, mp3 sharing, ipods, from the television and the radio among other places. Thus people can enjoy the benefits of music without waiting for long periods of time because music is not located in a distant place that one needs to travel to purchase it or needs to wait for its delivery (Barlon, 2006). Media agencies are also promoting the benefits of listening to music by educating and advising people to seek this mechanism especially when under stress. The exposure on the benefits attained from listening to music that the media has done has increased the attention of many who have resulted to the conduction of research and studies that prove my contention to be true. This has also led to the establishment of music therapy a discipline that has now gained popularity as it can be used in all industries whether administration or medical. Furthermore, information about music therapy can be easily accessed online where the process used to perform music therapy, the cost of attaining these services and the location where these institutions can be found is well expressed and is in a language that is easily understood. Furthermore, music can be perceived as a universal language because music is globally listened to therefore, each one of us acts as an advertising agent for music influencing other people to start listening to a particular type of music in an attempt of attaining the same benefits (Barlon, 2006). From the above it is quite clear that listening to music can prevent the occurrence of negative stress related attributes such as suicide attempts, heart failures, loneliness and the pessimistic attitude among others. Therefore, everybody should make listening to music their hobby or increase the time they dedicate to this precious life extender and health maintainer mechanism. However, we must remember that although the power of music is good and results to unimaginable wonders to attain this, one must intelligently choose the right type of music to listen to at a certain time or occasion and use effective measures for instance while exercising low volume of the music is required to prevent further distraction of exerciser. Therefore, I would encourage people to listen to music which is productive and whose meaning or concept can easily be understood. Word Count: 1499 Reference List Barlon, K. (2006). The Concept of the Marketing Mix. Presentation on Marketing Management, 1, 2ââ¬â7. Chekitan, S. D. & Schultz, E. D. (2005). In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century. Marketing Management, 14(1). Kotler, P. & Keller, L. (2005). Marketing Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Laermer, R. & Simmons, M. (2007). Punk Marketing. New York: Harper Collins. Sandhusen, R. (2008). Marketing. 4th Edition. Hauppauge, NY: Barronââ¬â¢s Educational Series. Silk, J. A. & Harvard Business School Press (2006). What is Marketing. Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Press.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Communication in Organizational Setting essays
Communication in Organizational Setting essays One particular thing forms the foundation of all our work, is the glue that holds our efforts together, and is a necessary ingredient for our success. That one thing is trust. The role of trust is fairly easy to describe, and its contribution toward an organizations efforts can be easy to identify. Yet, trust remains one of the more elusive elements of organizational management. Therefore, change within an organization has to be fueled by trust. For some people change means uncertainty and skepticism. According to Richmond and McCroskey, People resist change for numerous reasons. Probably the most significant reason people resist change is that they are fearful that their position or status in the organization might change for the worse...The possibility of making things significantly better is not worth the risk of making them significantly worse. For others, change can be looked upon as influential and beneficial. These people are classified as bridges. A bridge is an individual who links two or more cliques in a system from his or her position as a member of one of the cliques. Bridges play a vital part in incorporating change within an organization because of their communication connections and influence within their primary circle. This is an individual who should be sought out to assist with introducing a change or diffusion of an innovation. If a bridge can be influenced to accept a change, then he or she might persuade the primary group and possibly influence other groups in a positive manner about change. When there is a need for effective change; concurrently, there is a need for effective leadership. As stated in Take It From The Top, Never is leadership more sought after than in times of change and uncertainty. Effective change leadership is the key to shifting peoples perceptions from seeing change as a threat to seeing it is ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
7 Reasons Why Slowing Down At Work Is a Good Idea
7 Reasons Why Slowing Down At Work Is a Good Idea You might think the best and most productive worker in the room is the one balancing 17 tasks at once and zooming up and down the halls, but youââ¬â¢d be wrong! It turns out that sometimes the smartest and most successful people are the ones who ease up on the throttle, turn down the pace, and work more slowly and mindfully. Here are just a few ways how aà slower approach to work can pay off hugely in the long run.1. You need more time than you thinkâ⬠¦ to think.Itââ¬â¢s hard to do your best cognitive and creative work in the frenzy of the workplace. What if that frenzy were justâ⬠¦ pointless, though? If you start to think ââ¬Å"slow,â⬠youââ¬â¢ll give yourself time to ease the pressure, get creative, let your ideas simmer until theyââ¬â¢re ready to emerge. Instead of jumping rapidly- and inefficiently- from task to task, try deliberately slowing down. You might be amazed at how much time you actually have in a given day when working effectively instead of in a frenzy.2. Your rational brain kicks in.Youââ¬â¢ll be more confident in your ideas and decisions when you make them mindfully. Move away from your super fast automatic or ââ¬Å"sympatheticâ⬠nervous system and those knee-jerk reactions, and towards the slower, more logical ââ¬Å"parasympatheticâ⬠nervous system. Youââ¬â¢ll get out of mental loops and autopilot and come to more logical decisions about which you can be more confident.3. Your listening skills improve.Are you frantically tuning people out, smiling and nodding because youââ¬â¢re just too busy to put down your task and listen? Curb this common behavior and learn to truly process the ideas and concerns of others. You never know when this might help you find the missing piece to a personal puzzle, or gain more respect and traction among your coworkers.4. Youââ¬â¢ll make fewer mistakes.Working this way, slowing your pace to be more meticulous and measured, means that youââ¬â¢ll make fewer mist akes. And the mistakes you do make will be much easier to rectify. You might even learn something and have the time and space to internalize that lesson before moving on.5. Your brain will remember how to act.This kind of practice is also great because it will eventually train your brain to slow down and work this way automatically. Soon it wonââ¬â¢t be a project, but just the way you work.6.à You can eliminate unnecessary work.Sometimes busy work is just thatâ⬠¦ busy. Working slowly can help you realize which tasks are not necessary. Save yourself and your coworkers from extraneous work. Donââ¬â¢t create extra tasks for yourself or others when you could concentrate on the projects that really matter.7. Youââ¬â¢ll learn to let go of stress.Instead of chewing your nails down to the quick and tapping your feet annoyingly while waiting for coworkers to finish off their tasks, concentrate on the work on your desk. Do it right, rather than fast. And instead of concentratin g on getting everything done, try working just on the task at hand and getting it done right. Relax a little and understand that itââ¬â¢s just not possible to leave work every day with a blank to-do list.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Education Reform Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Education Reform - Term Paper Example ââ¬Å"The dropout rate is also higher in both rural and inner-city areas, where young people lack cultural and financial resources.â⬠(Macionis,2006). The reports have dealt with the growing problems of providing quality education amongst the quantifiable mass. The High School reforms reports speaks about the increasing dropout rates from high schools where students are opting for jobs rather than colleges for higher education. The report gives an insight into the fact that as students prepare in high schools for entry into colleges, does the same preparedness apply when they want to opt for a job. One third of a nation report speaks about the alarming dropout rates of the students which have been measured to be a one third of the entire student population and hence one third of a nation. The closing of the Education Frontier report also highlights the quantifiable figures who are opting out of high schools and colleges which have made the people to remove their blindfold that educational reforms are taking place. Statistics have shown the people the real face of the state of education which is definitely a cause of concern. The fourth report of the twin challenges of mediocrity and inequality gives a comparative overview of the state of literacy over 20 countries of equal or high income where the US is ranked 9th in terms of literacy levels. There are serious questions asked whether the education reform is actually bringing in reform just as the policies are being formed in the legislature. The fifth report of hard facts in education reform addresses the fact that tests cannot be benchmarks of deciding whether there have been educational reforms or not, there has to be a proper planning and implementation strategies which will govern reforms and whether it is actually achieved or not. Part two: analyze all reports individually. is it working? The High School Reforms: Facing Labor Market Realities This report gives a lot of impetus on the fact that since students are already opting for jobs rather than colleges after their high schools, then are they having the necessary academic background and knowledge that they can draw higher incomes as compared to those who are getting their bachelorââ¬â¢s degree. The employers need to give their inputs of what knowledge level they expect from the high school graduates and there is a need for serious analysis into it which has not been addressed. Labor Market realities are not working currently but there is a need for the practical job industry to give their inputs to shape up the work executives of tomorrow. ââ¬Å"This report summarizes studies of what employers say they are looking for when they hire for jobs that do not require college degrees.â⬠(Barton,2006). One-Third of a Nation: Rising Dropout Rates and Declining Opportunities This report gives out the statistics that the school dropout rates have been rising alarmingly across the United States. ââ¬Å"The High School Completio n Rate has been Falling. Nationally, after peaking at 77.1 percent in 1969, the rate dropped to 69.9 percent in 2000.â⬠(Barton,2005). ââ¬Å"In high school completion rates, the United States has slipped to 10th place in the world.â⬠(Barton,2005). There have been models like talent development, Marylandââ¬â¢s Tomorrow, Communities in Schools and Quantum opportunity programs which has assisted in retaining the students. Though these models have
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Aristotle's model of communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aristotle's model of communication - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Aristotle introduced his communication model in 300BC. The model focusesà the issues of public speaking and advice speakers to create speech forà variousà listeners on a different occasion at different times. The orator plays a significant role in the public speaking, and he or she must organize the dialogue. The presenter should manipulate the audience and persuades them. Aristotle puts the narrator in the middle of the communication process. The communication message should have an effect on the audience; thus, it should affect the receiver. The presenter takes absolute charge in the communication; thus, the he or she should prepare points in a way that can persuade the listener. He or she should be aware of the targeted listeners before preparing the speech. For instance, the care provider should understand the needs of patients before making the dialogue. This is essential because it will enable him or her to meet the demandi ng needs of patients. Thus, the speech should address the setbacks of listeners and provide valuable solutions to the setbacks. The current communication theorists are built on Aristotleââ¬Ës model because this model is broadly accepted. Aristotleââ¬â¢s model plays significant roles in guiding many communication researchers. The recent developments in the communication field have led to increased interest in sharing the common characteristics. Thus, many communication theorists share some aspects from the model of Aristotle.... Therefore, many recent communication theorists rely on the model of Aristotle in explaining about their development of communication models. Communication barriers generate obstacles to valuable communication; thus contributing to misinterpretations that may lead to disagreements. Varied barriers to effectual communication exist in many organizations. First, noise is among the obstacles to effectual communication. It is not easy for one to pass the message to the audience in a noisy atmosphere. The message may appear meaningless, and the recipient or listener may understand it in a different way. Secondly, unorganized thought is influential to unsuccessful communication. Another obstacle is poor knowledge about the receiver and this may hinder effective communication. The information may be deemed unsuccessful in case the correspondent does not comprehend the recipient. This may lead to misinterpretations of information; thus results to poor conveyance of the message. Dissimilar cult ural levels may lead to obstacles for valuable communication. This is because diverse organizations have their own cultural ways of thinking or understanding. This may lead to unsuccessful communication in case the dispatcher does not comprehend them. Lastly, poor connection with the listener may hamper successful communication. A superior speaker should engage the listen in communication because avoiding the audience may lead to communication barriers. Communication styles in many organizations have dramatically changed because of poor organizational management and lack of effective communication skills. Bradshaw and Lowenstein (2011) argue that making effective communication in the
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